Codex real boxing
Codex real boxing

The person who oversaw the carving was Hernando de los Ríos Coronel. The statue stands 139 cm high and is now known as La Naval. Footnote 13Īfter he succeeded his father as governor in 1593, or at the latest in 1594, Luis Peréz Dasmariñas commissioned a Chinese artist to make a very large sculpture of the Virgin Mary as Nuestra Señora del Rosario, with ivory face, hands and child. It would therefore appear that both father and son were familiar with the work of the Chinese artists during the lifetime of the former. The churches are now being provided with these images, which they sorely lacked before with the Sangleys’ ability to replicate those images from Spain, it should not be long when even those made in Flanders will not be missed. Having seen some ivory images of the Child Jesus it seems to me that nothing more exquisite than these could be produced and such is the opinion of those who have seen them. They have so perfected themselves in this art, that they have wrought marvelous works both with the chisel and with the brush. In the Parian are found all the workers with all the skills and mechanical arts needed for a Republic, and in such great quantity. . .

codex real boxing

Regalado Trota Jose wrote: Footnote 11 achievements in ivory carving were so developed by 1590 that the first bishop of Manila, Domingo de Salazar – a Dominican who arrived together with Sedeño and the first Jesuits – enthusiastically wrote the King:

codex real boxing

There is, however, additional supporting though circumstantial evidence. Footnote 10 It is tempting to suggest that Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas's acquaintance with and trust in the Chinese corresponded with his commissioning of the Chinese artist to provide the illustrations in the Culture items of the Codex. This was his undoing, for he was murdered by the Chinese crew on 25 October 1593. he engaged a galley manned by Chinese, good rowers, which they had given him, and he paid those from the Parian (the Parian is like the alcaycería where the Chinese had all kinds of shops and offices), and those he had unshackled, and retaining their weapons, more as soldiers than oarsmen, very much trusting them.

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Footnote 8 He was very trusting of the Chinese: From the advent of the Spanish until 1617, Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas was praised as the best, perhaps the only good, governor of the Philippines. Footnote 7 The new governor of the Philippines and his son arrived in Manila in 1590, only 19 years after the Spanish settlement of Manila. Footnote 6 Boxer believed that either Gómez Pérez Dasmariñas or his son, Luis Peréz Dasmariñas, who were successive governors of the Philippines at the end of the sixteenth century, was the original commissioner of the Codex. The latest date that can be inferred internally from the Codex is 1590–1591. Footnote 4 Leaves 213r–239v have a narrative due to Fr Martín de Rada, OSA, on his visit to China in 1575. Footnote 3 Leaves 139r–149v contain an account of a voyage made by Roxo de Brito, a Portuguese, in 1581–1582 south and west of New Guinea, which will be a major focus.

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Leaves 101r–139r contain two texts, both apparently coming via Bishop João Ribeiro de Gaio of Malacca, concerning Aceh and Malay states. Footnote 2 The remainder, which I shall refer to as the ‘Exploration items’, comprises works from three sources. The greater part of the work, which I shall refer to as the ‘Culture items’ and on which most interest has focused hitherto (but which I shall not concentrate on here) comprises descriptions of the culture and inhabitants of the South East and East regions of Asia, together with drawings and descriptions of Chinese deities and fabulous animals. Footnote 1 The volume comprises a little over 300 leaves of rice paper to which Boxer added four folios of other manuscript: an account signed by Luis Pérez Dasmariñas principally comprising extracts from letters. Charles Boxer acquired the Boxer Codex at an auction in 1947 and described it in an article in this Journal in 1950.

Codex real boxing